
Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. § 1052(d): No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature unless it
(d) Consists of or comprises a mark which so resembles a mark registered in the Patent and Trademark Office, or a mark or trade name previously used in the United States by another and not abandoned, ….
Trademark Act Section 1(a), 15 U.S.C. § 1051(a): (a) Application for use of trademark
(1) The owner of a trademark used in commerce may request registration of its trademark on the principal register hereby established by paying the prescribed fee and filing in the Patent and Trademark Office an application and a verified statement, in such form as may be prescribed by the Director, and such number of specimens or facsimiles of the mark as used as may be required by the Director.
(2) The application shall include specification of the applicant’s domicile and citizenship, the date of the applicant’s first use of the mark, the date of the applicant’s first use of the mark in commerce, the goods in connection with which the mark is used, and a drawing of the mark.
(3) The statement shall be verified by the applicant and specify that…
(4) The applicant shall comply with such rules or regulations as may be prescribed by the Director. The Director shall promulgate rules prescribing the requirements for the application and for obtaining a filing date herein.
Trademark Act Section 2(a), 15 U.S.C. § 1052(a): No trademark by which the goods of the applicant may be distinguished from the goods of others shall be refused registration on the principal register on account of its nature unless it—
(a) Consists of or comprises immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter; or matter which may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them into contempt, or disrepute; or a geographical indication which, when used on or in connection with wines or spirits, identifies a place other than the origin of the goods and is first used on or in connection with wines or spirits by the applicant on or after one year after the date on which the WTO Agreement (as defined in section 3501(9) of title 19) enters into force with respect to the United States.
根据第 1(a) 条基于实际使用的商标注册申请,如果该商标在申请时未在申请的相关商品/服务上投入使用,则被认为是无效申请。异议人通过调查并举证申请人并未在申请日2020 年 1 月 21 日前在相关商品上使用,并要求申请人对其发现的事实依据进行回应,申请人对异议人提出的部分事实理由供认不讳,其承认的部分事实如下:
1、申请商标WHATSPAY所涉及的软件产品在 2020 年 1 月 21 日及之前无法从任何应用商店(例如App Store、Google Play)获得下载;
2、承认所提交的使用证据中的软件“注册/登录页面”在2020 年 1 月 21 日及之前无法打开;
3、承认截至 2020 年 1 月 21 日,申请商标WHATSPAY所涉及的软件产品并无活跃客户;
4、承认截至 2020 年 1 月 21 日,申请商标WHATSPAY所涉及的软件产品无客户转账交易记录;
5、承认只有申请人的设计师、开发人员和 QA 测试人员访问了自己的平台和WHATSPAY软件 注册/登录页面。
同时,申请人没有提供任何与异议人意见相矛盾的证据,相反,申请人似乎只是争辩说它有权追求其商标申请的意图, 但这不是申请人提交的申请类型。 简而言之,申请人基于已使用提出的申请在其申请日或之前并未投入实际使用,异议人的主张成立。